Radical for Jesus

Training a generation that is radically following Jesus and putting him above all else.

Mission & Vision

Radical for Jesus seeks to demonstrate the Love of God for people & and disciple believers so that believers will rise up who have a powerful and strong foundation based on the promises of the word of God and from that foundation can fulfill the mission Jesus has given us.

To fulfill this commission means that you must be willing to take up your cross every day and die to yourself. So that no longer you live but Christ lives in you and that you learn to live from your born-again Spirit (Galatians. 2:20).

As Radical for Jesus, we believe that God's word is truth and that God's word and should stand as the highest authority in our lives.

By teaching people with the word of God, we believe that people dare to rely strongly and funnily on the word of God and thereby become powerful Christians.

It is normal to face opposition but it is unbiblical to be defeated. But many people do not know the principles and promises of God and how to apply them in their own lives.

In Mark 9:23 Jesus says, If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.

So all things are possible and nothing is impossible for God. Only we must learn to live and pray according to the will of God.

The Great Commission

Jesus gave us a commission in Matthew 28. To proclaim the Gospel among all nations, to make disciples of people by baptizing them in the name of Father the Son and the Holy Spirit, but also to teach everyone, everything Jesus taught the disciples.

Baptism in water (No infant baptism)

Water baptism is a command in which believers immerse themselves in water. It comes from the word baptiso which means immersion. By being baptized we leave our old life behind and rise to a new life with a born-again spirit. 2 Corinthians 5:17 teaches us that because of this, everything has become new and the old has completely passed away.

Baptism with the Holy Spirit

The Bible also speaks of baptism with the Holy Spirit. This is an empowerment of the Holy Spirit on us through which we receive power and anointing to fulfill the mission Jesus has given us.

Heal the sick

It is God's will that everyone be healthy so that we can walk fully in our calling. As disciples of Jesus, we have been given the authority to lay hands on the sick with the promise that they will become healthy.

Drive out demons

Exorcising demons is also something that should be standard in a believer's life. Mark 16:17 says that believers should be recognized by this. Just like healing the sick, we have been given the authority to cast out demons.

Make disciples

Discipleship is an important subject that never ends. By teaching people how to grow in faith, you activate them to continue to learn further themselves but also to teach more people this which results in more and more disciples.